Yep that”s right! We are pregnant. and super excited. and yes I realize I haven’t been posting and hope to do better. I have also started a blog just about the pregnancy that will give you any details about it and the stuff i’m learning if you want that type of info. Anyway the baby is due July 15th.
Archives for January 2012
Getting Through the First Trimester.
Although I was super excited when finding out I was pregnant…I soon had moments where I didn’t know if I could take another second. I was one of the lucky little ladies who got morning sick. First came nasea, then came actual throwing up. Which at first was a relief because that meant for a while after throwing up I wasn’t naseated. However soon I found myself on an emotional roller coaster as the morning sickness ebbed and flowed. Some days I would be perfect with not even the slightest thought that i would throw up and thinking “Yay, it is finally going away!” but then the next day it would be nearly impossible for me to hold anything down. Eventually i figured out that for me at least I would have good days and then bad days and i would just have to deal with it. I started associating my bad days to certain foods but mostly compared it to how much sleep I got the night before. Days where I had got 8 hours of sleep the night before where bad days. Those where I got 11 to 13 hours of sleep I felt much better. Although just to be confusing every once in a while my body would switch things around where that wasn’t even an acurate guess as to how to keep the morning sickness at bay.
It started getting worse. Till I found myself not even being able to keep saltine crackers down. It isn’t that I would throw up all day..just when I ate. So I felt that I was starving. I wanted to eat but had lost hope that I would be able to keep it down. so what was the point of eating anymore. If anything the hope that my body would get a few seconds to absorb what it could before rejecting it.
At about 14 weeks.. and the end of my first trimester I went to a birthing class. One of the first things she addressed is how to keep the morning sickness at bay. although I was already nearing my second trimester when it usually subsides anyway I felt that mine was getting worse and I really didn’t want to have morning sickness my whole pregnancy as i had seen happen to others in my family. I was just praying that it would go away. So whether the morning sickness faded naturally or if the tips I used from the class did the trick…I am beginning to hope that the morning sickness has gone away. (knock on wood) It has been about a week since the class and I haven’t thrown up in 5 days.
So what was the trick? Again it is vitamin and mineral deficiencies because of all the vitamin and minerals that the baby is taking from me. The first deficiency that starts to cause problems is low salt intake. Crazy huh because usually you hear that you shouldn’t because it causes bloating and swelling… (Although at this point I’d rather bloat than be starving because my body rejects everything I eat.)
According to dietician Amanda Leanard “The medical community used to suggest limiting salt (sodium chloride) during pregnancy because they thought it contributed to water retention and bloating. Now most experts believe that some increase in body fluids is necessary and normal during pregnancy, and that a moderate amount of sodium is actually beneficial because it can help maintain adequate fluid levels.”
In the class It was stated that the amniotic sac is made up of salt water. by the end of pregnancy the amniotic sac makes up about 6-8 pounds of the weight that is gained. So it seems natural to assume that the body will need more salt and more water to maintain that. Not to mention the extra 4 pounds of blood volume.
Although I wouldn’t go completely crazy on the salt levels I wouldn’t limit it too much either.
In the weight-loss clinic that I work at we limit sugars greatly on the diet. One of the side effects of this is headaches because of a drop in blood pressure. We aren’t limiting salt but sugar. So in turn to remedy this we recommend a greater salt intake. Salt is a mineral that is needed in the body as an electrolyte… Sugar functions the same in retaining water but provides many more extra calories. (I’m not saying lower sugar intake…because the baby will be needing carbs…that was a tangent but you might want to check out this site it gives a little insight as to whether salt is really that bad for us or not…)
Back to how to get rid of morning sickness. First salt is needed because it aids in making hydrochloric acid. (stomach acid: essential to digesting food) In my case I guess if I had trouble digesting it I would simple get rid of it. Salt also aids in the absorption of calcium, along with sugar…(hence the age old craving of pickles (salt) and ice cream (calcium with sugar). So that is what I did.
Anyway so I came home from the class and bought a bag of salt and vinegar chips and powerade and ate as my little heart desired. I knew my body was low on salt because I had been craving really salty foods but had done nothing to go get any. I was even drinking pickle juice. (I know..typical pregnant girl). These definitely helped me replace some needed electrolytes in my body as I started feeling stronger. I figured it had to be at least some good because my body wasn’t rejecting the chips. After replenishing my electrolyte stores my body started craving wendy’s crispy chicken sandwich and a chocolate frosty. I got some needed iron from the chicken and the calcium from the ice cream. (Although I’m sure yogurt would have been a healthier option)
As I said before I am now on my 5th day of eating again and keeping it down and it is great because now I can eat fruits and veggies as well as my Wendy’s chicken sandwich. One thing that I’ve learned is that my cravings guided me right back to being able to eat again. Which I know has to be healthier for the baby than deficiencies everywhere I look. Although my craving don’t include vegetables I try to make sure I am getting them along with the cravings. I also plan on keeping track of my blood pressure and making the needed adjustments to not get into any bad habits.
I wanted to add a little graph here to help you see if you were deficient in any of the vitamins and minerals that were discussed:
If you are deficient
You’ll feel like this: If you don’t have enough of This:
Overwhelmed, Magnesium
Low self esteem
Teary, Salt
Like you can’t take anything more Potassium
Skippy heart beat
Lack of appetite
Angry Calcium
Short Tempered
The Competition: Am I going to get Fat?
OK… The First Question: Am I going to get Fat?
My husband weighs 25 pounds more than me. The weight that you are supposed to gain during pregnancy for a normal weight person is 25 to 35 pounds…so i told him he better gain some weight because I didn’t want to weigh more than him. So now here we have a competition. He keeps teasing me that i will weigh more than him and I’m trying to get him to gain weight. Luckily it is all in good fun.
Solution: At my first Birthing class I received some helpful information about just gaining pregnancy weight and not a bunch of extra non necessary weight. She gave a bunch of great information. In this particular case she did answer the question of how to not gain excess weight that does not include the baby weight and the weight that is naturally to be included in that 25 to 35 pounds.
As the baby is developing at about 32 Weeks it starts needing greater amounts of chromium and so of course pulls this from the mothers body. If the mother does not have sufficient amounts she will become deficient. This is interesting because of the functions of Chromium.
These Functions include: Fatty acid and Cholesterol synthesis (important for Brain function and other processes) as well as the breakdown of insulin. Chromium is also used as a weight-loss supplement for many people…although after researching it a bit more I found that it is rather controversial as to whether it should be used as one. Some say it is very helpful and others say that there is not enough evidence yet for people to start taking chromium supplements. However as I kept looking I found that getting your Chromium from food sources poses no risk.
Food Sources of Chromium include:
- Beef
- Liver
- Eggs
- Chicken
- Oysters
- Wheat germ
- Green peppers
- Apples
- Bananas
- Spinach
But if you want to try this out make sure you are getting enough of the mineral manganese in your diet as well because it partners with chromium in your body.
Food sources of Manganese include:
- Mustard Greens
- Kale
- chard
- raspberries
- pineapple
- strawberries
- romaine lettuce
- collard greens
- spinach
- garlic
- summer squash
- grapes
- turnip greens
- eggplant
- brown rice
- maple syrup
- cinnamon
- black pepper
Another interesting tidbit that was added was that by getting sufficient chromium during pregnancy can decrease the risk of getting gestational diabetes. When people are deficient in Chromium it usually manifests itself as impaired glucose tolerance… or type II Diabetes.
In the article “Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Which May Predispose to Glucose Intolerance of Pregnancy” by Lois Jovanovic-Peterson and Charles M. Peterson (Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1996) It discusses a a study that was done to measure levels of Chromium in Pregnant women with gestational diabetes and pregnant women without it. The results showed a decrease of chromium levels throughout the pregnancy of those women with gestational diabetes.
So it may help with preventing me from blowing up like a balloon as well as decrease risk of me getting gestational diabetes! Although I have not yet reached that stage of pregnancy I can kep this in mind as i am making food choices.
Newly Pregnant!
First let me tell you a little about myself. I recently graduated with a bachelor’s in Health Science and a minor in Exercise Science. I work at a Weight-loss Clinic helping people lose unwanted weight and get in better general health. I love running, swimming, and biking. I really got into fitness during college as I took classes and realized the joy of being physically fit. I ran my first triathlon over a year ago and my husband and I recently ran another one.
We recently found out that we are pregnant. A first pregnancy and like any newly pregnant person I had a lot of questions. Namely am I going to get fat? Will I be able to lose the pregnancy weight? What about stretch marks? And Morning sickness? Basically this is a long journey and what do I need to know to get through it with the least amount of problems. So I decided to start this blog to share what I learn with you.